Sunday, November 27, 2011

Welcome back!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! We are excited about our upcoming play The First Leon and think it will be the best yet. We will begin working on it in earnest.

Weekly Assignments:
Tuedsay- Social Studies work due
Wednesday-Reading logs due
Thursday- Bible verse signed; Spelling dictation test
Firday- Know play parts; spelling word test; Vocabulary test; Social Studies work due

Have a fantastic week!
Mrs. Kline

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Veterans Day and Assignments

     Friday, November 4th was a busy day for the sixth grade.  We started by singing for a wonderful Veteran's Day chapel.  Mr. Brad Keeton, Brady's dad, gave the address.  It was a great, inspirational speech, and the sixth graders listened attentively.
     After some classroom test-taking, we went to the gym to help with the 3K rodeo fest. It was fun helping the younger children at each station.
     We celebrated afterward with a pizza party furnished by Mary Margaret's grandmother. Thank you, Mrs. Weeks! We especially celebrated the completion of our DAR essays!

Assignments for the week of November 14th:
Wednesday (16th)- English test Unit 5; reading logs
Thursday (17th)- Bible verse signed; Spelling dictation
Friday (18th)- Earthquake project due; Spelling word test; Vocabulary test (review week)

Have a great week!
     Mrs. Kline